In case you aquired Autostand from a pack, the first step is to unzip it. In it you'll find the component, modules and plugins folder. Autostand is under the component folder.
This is the file to install using Joomla Installer.
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- Category: Documentation
This documentation is under review. Bellow are some basic steps/instructions to help start and set up your site using Autostand.
I suggest start by creating the categories you'll need. Use images to identify the category content.
Define the images size for the cars. Try a few image sizes, to have general idea of the content. The "good" size is the size that looks good in your layout. By default, thumbnails are set to 123x96 px and big images to 800x600 px.
If you like, you can set up new dimensions in the settings.
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- Category: Documentation
Autostand like many other extensions use categories, so it's a good starting point, and decide the categories you'll use. Of course that this will depend of the product you're showing. Estate Cars, Sport Cars, Boats, Engine Parts, Used, etc,... Images are very usefull to guide the user. We sugest to use some images when showing the categories.
As you'll see in the category form, you can select how many cars the category will show, and how many by row. NOTE:: style_002 template works better with 1 car/row.
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- Category: Documentation
Images are one important issue to consider. Users like to see images for the cars/products, and images will catch users attention when entering your site. All the information of the cars matters, but users like to see the images more then the specs. Autostand generates thumbnails and images using the uploaded image. By deafult, autostand as pre-set values for the thumbnails and main images, which means that all of the car images will be created using the size settings.
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- Category: Documentation
Autostand allows to select the template to use global, or by car and category. Template set in configuration will be used in all urls of autostand.
It's possible to assign diferent templates to cars and categories.
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- Category: Documentation